Headache Right Up To The Neck, This Cause

Everyone certainly never experienced headaches. However, have you ever had a headache the right that extends to the neck? This condition can be caused by many different things and can also be a sign of serious health problems.
Headache Right Up To The Neck, This Cause

A headache is pain that can occur on any part of the head. This is a very common complaint. Headaches can last only less than an hour, or it could be for a few days, and can appear suddenly or slowly. The pain that arises in most areas of the head, felt very heavy, and appeared suddenly can indicate certain conditions to look out for.

Causes of Headaches Right up to the Neck

Some medical conditions that can cause a headache right up to the neck, among them:

  • Headache of tense

Tense headaches (tension headache) is a type of headache that are common and often seen as a headache. The sufferer will usually feel a headache on one or both sides of the head, the neck muscles stiffen, and pressure behind the eye. Headaches can last for a few tense minutes, hour, up to a few days. Common symptoms that arise due to the headache of tense that is mild to moderate pain on one side of the head, the difficulty to rest, fatigue, and difficulty to focus.

  • Chronic migraine

This type of migraine is commonly occurs in people with a history of recurring migraines. Chronic migraine headache symptom is characterized by a head on one or both sides of the head, the sensation of throbbing pain, pain intensity is being severely. Most migraine sufferers experience early symptoms such as nausea or feeling dazzled, that preceded the emergence of the next head pain on migraines. This condition is called an aura. Chronic migraine is one of the causes of headaches next to the spread to the neck.

  • Cluster headache

Cluster headache may occur repeatedly in a given period of time or follow a specific pattern. Cluster headache is more common in men, and usually appear in the young adult age. This condition is characterized by pain around the eye that extends to the neck, head, shoulders, or face. Other symptoms are redness in one eye accompanied by watery eyes on the side that suffered a head pain.
Inflammation of the membranes of the brain (meningitis)
Other diseases that may cause a headache to the neck is meningitis (inflammation of the brain membrane). Meningitis is an infection of the meninges (the protective membrane) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The cause of these infections could be due to viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Meningitis has the typical symptoms, such as severe headaches, high fever that comes up unexpectedly, limp, decreased consciousness, as well as the neck feels stiff. Meningitis due to bacterial and fungal infections are a serious condition that needs to be immediately got the handling by the doctor at the hospital.

  • Head injury

Head injury can also be one of the triggers of headaches to the side of the neck. Head injury can be caused by a blow or jolt to the head or body. In addition, severe head injury could be about the parts of the brain if it is caused by objects that can penetrate the skull, such as bullets or Fragments of the skull. Physical symptoms arising due to brain injury, including loss of consciousness for a few minutes, the headache, nausea and vomiting, as well as loss of coordination of body movements. While the cognitive or mental symptoms arising out of these conditions are difficult to remember or concentrate, mood swings, and often feel anxious and depressed.

  • Brain tumor

Headache right up to the neck can also be caused by a brain tumor. A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in or around the brain. There are various types of brain tumors that can be distinguished into two groups based on its development, namely, benign tumors (not cancerous) and malignant tumors (cancerous). Tumor symptoms vary greatly between one another, is usually influenced by size, type, and location of tumor growth.

  • Humicrania Continua

This headache rarely occur. This condition is characterized by headache on one side of the head, which takes place on an ongoing basis. Humicrania continua is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as red eyes on the side that feels pain, nasal congestion, and the descent of the eyelids. In some cases, the symptoms humicrania continua began to emerge when the sufferer has already felt the pressure around the neck.

How to overcome Headaches Right up to the Neck

Sometimes headaches right who appears unexpectedly difficult to preventable, especially if it is not known for sure what the cause is. But you still can do the following things to relieve the symptoms of a headache next to, among others:

How to overcome Headaches Right up to the Neck

Sometimes headaches right who appears unexpectedly difficult to preventable, especially if it is not known for sure what the cause is. But you still can do the following things to relieve the symptoms of a headache next to, among others:

Manage stress

Do the things that help you stay relaxed, such as massage or meditation to reduce stress.

Enough sleep

Take the time to sleep, which is about 7-8, so that your body is more ready to undergo activity throughout the day.

Expand the drinking water

Make sure your body is getting enough fluids in order to avoid dehydration. Dehydration usually becomes one of the triggers of headaches.

Limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeine

It is recommended you start limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages and caffeine, because both of these substances can trigger the onset of headache.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can reduce stress causes headaches and make the body become more fit. You should exercise at least three times a week, with time duration exercise about 30 minutes.

Eat regularly

Avoid skipping meals, because it can trigger the emergence of headaches. Attach fruit and vegetable that is rich in the nutrients in Your food menu.
If the above tips don't can prevent and relieve pain that radiates to the right of the head to the neck, immediately check with your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Headache that is accompanied by a decrease in consciousness, fever, convulsions, weakness of the limbs of the body, or headache appearing after doing certain activities, such as sex, coughing or sneezing, is the kind of headache that need immediate gets the checks and further handling of the doctor.