Don't Forget To Take Care Of The Breasts When Breastfeeding

Take care when giving breast MILK to make breastfeeding activities can be done comfortably and without pain. Know how to take care of the breast so that you avoid the various complaints that may arise when breastfeeding.

Breast milk (BREAST MILK) is highly recommended to be given to the child. ASI (ASI) provides the ideal nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, fat, and sugar, even the immune system-forming antibodies to bolster health and flower growing babies. ASI also proved to be effective to prevent the baby sick. In addition, breastfeeding also give benefits to the mother, such as helping lose weight, reduce uterine bleeding after childbirth, reducing the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, as well as lowering the risk of diabetes and osteoporosis.
Don't Forget To Take Care Of The Breasts When Breastfeeding

But sometimes when breastfeeding, there are just problems that appear and occur on the breast and nipple. For example the nipple pain, nipples dry and chapped, nipples, breasts entry into the swollen, clogged milk ducts, or breast infection (mastitis). But by taking care of the breasts, the various issues can be addressed and prevented

The Care Of The Breasts When Breastfeeding

In order for you and your little one can enjoy lactation, nursing your breasts with steps such as the following:

  • Learn how to position the little one and her mouth properly when breastfeeding. Make sure the mouth of the little covers most of the areola (the dark area around the nipple), don't just nipples. If the position of the mouth of the little one, you will feel comfortable and not sore. The position of the mouth also help prevent nipple ached and launch the process of breastfeeding.
  • Try different breastfeeding positions. There are several nursing positions that you can try. Find the best position for you and your little one. Ask your doctor or midwife suggestions about how holding and feeding the baby properly.
  • Barring the little one so as not to bite the nipple. At age 3-4 months, baby teeth may be starting to grow. To prevent nipple not bitten, stop suction BREAST MILK after the little finished breastfeeding or when asleep. To stop the suction BREAST MILK, tuck your fingers to the side of the mouth of the little one.
  • Feeding the little one on a regular basis, every 2-3 hours. You may need to wake the little one in the evening to give him breast milk. The baby should suckle from both breasts just as much during the day. If at 8 the little suckle from right breast, then offer the breast at 10 left.
  • To launch a stream of BREAST MILK, the mother can try giving a massage of the breast or a warm compress on the breast to open the BREAST gland ducts. For breast pain, give warm and cold compresses in turn to reduce the pain.

The Care Of The Breasts After Breastfeeding

In addition to doing treatment while breastfeeding, you can continue breastfeeding after treatment with a few simple steps you can do when the little one was sleeping, among others:

  • Clean your nipple gently without using SOAP or shampoo to clean. Do not apply alcohol, lotions, or perfumes on the nipples. Use antibacterial ointment to tackle chapped nipples.
  • Let the nipples dry by itself without needing dilap.
  • Apply a moisturizing ointment containing lanolin on the nipple every time done breastfeeding. This will reduce pain and prevent nipple dries up and chapped.
  • Check replace bearing breast (breast pad).
  • If breast pain when nursing, stops feeding directly and use pump BREAST MILK for a few days.
  • If you feel Your nipples are flat or get into, check with your doctor immediately.
  • Each completed nursing, apply a few drops of BREAST MILK on Your nipples and leave to dry. ASI damming and protect the nipple from the infection.
  • Always hold the breast with a clean hand.

Immediately consult a doctor if breast or nipples appear signs of infection, such as fever, sore or red bumps appear on a breast that feels pain, breast swelling, and overall the nipples of the breasts festering or bleed.