Causes of liver cancer and how to treat it

Understanding Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is a cancer that originated from the organ of the heart or liver. There are two classifications of liver cancer based on the location of growth or its spread (metastases), namely primary and secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer is a cancer that begins in the liver and organs including a potentially fatal type of cancer. Secondary liver cancer originated from other parts of the body and then spread and grow in the organ of the heart.

One of the most common liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)/hepatoma which is the primary liver cancer which developed from primary liver cells called hepatocytes. HCC occur approximately 75% of the overall primary liver cancer. This cancer can be a complication of the disease hepatitis (inflammation of the liver organ) and the condition of cirrhosis (normal liver tissue is replaced by scarring).
Causes of liver cancer and how to treat it

Secondary liver cancer is generally named according to the location of origin of the organ the cancer cells early developing colon cancer metastasis, such as, which starts in the colon then spread to the liver. Secondary liver cancer is more common than primary liver cancer. In addition to the spread of cancer in the colon, as well as many secondary liver cancer comes from the spread of breast cancer, lung, ovarian, stomach, pancreas, and skin (melanoma).

Many Occur in developing countries in the world liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer among men and the ninth among women. This cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide, after lung cancer.

About 83 percent of liver cancer cases in the world occurred in countries that are still developing. The cause of the high liver cancer cases in countries that are still developing is the high hepatitis B and C cases in those countries, including Indonesia. Whereas in countries which are already advanced as countries in Europe, the major cause of liver cancer is a high alcohol intake and obesity are increasing.

In Indonesia, it is estimated there are around 18,000 new liver cancer cases each year, based on data in the year 2012. This figure is expected to rise along with the increasing number of sufferers of hepatitis B and C which currently reaches 30 million inhabitants.

An Important Function Of Liver Organ

With hundreds of functions that are executed, the liver becomes one of the most complex organ in the human body. Liver cancer is categorized as a serious disease due to terhambatnya the functions of the liver, even completely stop it.  The following are some of the most important functions of the liver:
  • Eliminate toxins from the body
  • Digest proteins and fats
  • Producing liquid destroyer of fats (bile) that helps the digestion
  • Help control blood clotting

Recognize The Symptoms Of Liver Cancer

The symptoms of this disease are usually shaped or less specific such as fatigue and nausea. Many people have recently felt the symptoms clearly after the cancer reaches an advanced stage. Liver cancer symptoms include:
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss without a cause
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice (the skin and the white part of the eye that is yellowing due to increased levels of bilirubin in the human body)

Causes Of Liver Cancer

The exact cause of liver cancer is still unknown, but the disease is estimated to be associated with tissue damage liver cells, such as liver disease cirrhosis. Disease of cirrhosis can be caused by viral infections hepatitis B or hepatitis C.

Hepatitis B or C sufferers experience inflammation of the liver that are risky and precipitate the scarring in the liver organ. This condition can develop into liver cancer.

Some habits or unhealthy lifestyle can be a risk factor for liver cancer. One of them is alcohol abuse. Consuming strong drink more than the recommended amount can cause permanent liver damage and increase the risk of liver cancer. In addition, obesity is believed can also increase the risk of liver cancer because it is closely related to the non alcoholic liver perlemakan disease (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease NAFLD =).

Diagnosis Of Liver Cancer As Early As Possible

If the general practitioner suspected or diagnosed You have been exposed to liver cancer, you will be referred to a specialist hospital for further examination. The sooner the disease undiagnosed, the more effective the treatment given.

In fact, only 1 in 5 people who can survive, at least a year after was diagnosed with liver cancer. And only 1 out of 20 people with can survive at least five years. This is because as many as 9 out of 10 new sufferers are diagnosed when the cancer is already in an advanced stage. In most people with cancer have grown too severe to be healed.

Then in order for liver cancer may be undiagnosed more early, people who contracted the disease at high risk are advised to self checked routinely and regularly. High-risk group of people that it is those who are positive are infected with hepatitis B and C as well as ever suffered from cirrhosis. The benefits of regular inspections is to diagnose liver cancer at an early stage, i.e. when the total recovery treatment for more possibilities.

Treatment Of Liver Cancer

Stage of cancer determines the type of handling what will be given in sufferers. If undiagnosed cancer already at an advanced stage, treatment conditions are only intended to alleviate the pain and discomfort of the patient for the rest of his life. But another case if cancer could be undiagnosed before growing more severe, then the condition allows to be handled.

There are at least three ways in treating liver cancer. The first is the radio frequency ablation, i.e. the use of a special electric device used to destroy cancer cells that are on the organ of the heart. The second is surgery resection, i.e. the process of adoption of certain parts of the liver of the infected organ. The third is a liver transplant, that replace the organ with organ sufferers heart hearts from donors.

Preventing liver cancer with healthy living

The risk of liver cancer can be reduced by avoiding the risk of being infected with hepatitis B and C get vaccinations and sexual intercourse safely. No less important, apply a healthy lifestyle such as regulating diet and regular exercise in order for the body to avoid obesity.

In addition, avoid excessive consumption of liquor and cigarettes. If you want a piercing or menato body, be sure to do it in a place that has a kesterilan level is assured.

Symptoms Of Liver Cancer

Generally people with early stage liver cancer does not feel the symptoms that mean. New symptoms will be seen clearly at an advanced stage.  However the following symptoms can be controlled as a symptom of liver cancer:

  • Feeling very tired and limp
  • Abdominal pain
  • Itching
  • Liver organ swell
  • Feel nausea and vomiting
  • Ascites or fluid buildup in the abdomen. Belly look bloated.
  • Limbs swelled due to a buildup of fluid.
  • Decrease weight without cause
  • The skin and the white part of the eye that is yellowing
  • Dark colored urine
  • The stool is white like chalk

The above symptoms are indeed common and not always be a marker of liver cancer, but still it is better to do the examination. Try to consult a doctor if you experience one or more of the symptoms above including people who once suffered from cirrhosis or hepatitis-infected.

Causes Of Liver Cancer

The causes and how the occurrence of changes in cells in the liver cancer is still not certain. Nevertheless, the risk of liver cancer seemed to rise along with damage to organs such as the liver, a disease of cirrhosis. However, not all cases of cirrhosis will culminate in liver cancer.

Relation of cirrhosis with liver cancer

Liver cancer is closely related to cirrhosis, where occurs the formation of scar tissue in the liver organ. On the State of cirrhosis, normal liver tissue is replaced by scarring so the liver becomes hardened. Due to cirrhosis, liver function began to decline. Keep in mind that not all sufferers will experience cirrhosis of liver cancer.

In a still-developing countries such as Indonesia, cirrhosis is commonly caused by viral infections hepatitis B and c. Besides cirrhosis can also be caused by diseases of the liver perlemakan non alcoholic, excessive alcohol consumption, and autoimmune diseases.

Hepatitis B virus infection

Hepatitis B is a virus that is spread through contaminated blood. In addition, this virus also spreads through body fluids such as saliva, semen, and vaginal fluids. Most people with hepatitis B are suffering symptoms similar to those of her liver cancer sufferers and are at risk of experiencing a wound scar that extends on the organ of the heart. Injured liver tissue that SCAR is formed when a normal and soft tissue through the process of the wound.

Ethnic factors thought to affect people with potential risk of hepatitis B infection develop into liver cancer. Asians infected with hepatitis B have a higher risk of above average-affected liver cancer, regardless of whether they are also suffering from cirrhosis of the liver or not. Unlike hepatitis B sufferers with other neighbors, their risk for developing cancer of the heart only rise if they also suffer from cirrhosis or liver disease such as hepatitis c. Combination smoke and suffered from hepatitis B making risk liver cancer became higher.

Hepatitis C infection

In the long run, people with hepatitis C may experience inflammation and damage to the liver. If you are a person with hepatitis C, keep yourself from smoking. People with hepatitis C who smoke are more at risk of developing cancer of the liver at a later date.

Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest rate of hepatitis C in Southeast Asia. One method the spread of hepatitis C in Indonesia is the use of contaminated syringes.

Non alcoholic fatty liver disease

The exact cause of non alcoholic liver perlemakan disease (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) still has not been explained with certainty. But the disease is often associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Perlemakan non-alcoholic liver is a common condition and do not cause symptoms that are apparent in most of its victims. Fat that accumulates in the tissues of the liver causing the onset of this disease.

But in some people, the buildup of fat in high levels can cause inflammation of the liver. Gradually this inflammation will cause scarring of the liver.

Bad liquor

Another of his other organs, the liver is an organ with a strong resistance. This is because the cells of the liver is able to regenerate after injury.

Every time you are consuming the liquor, a powerful organ and this software will filter out harmful substances in alcohol from your blood. This filtering make some liver cells will die.

Indeed able to regenerate liver cells to make new cells. But no matter how powerful this organ, excessive consumption of liquor and in the long term could damage the liver permanently. If you continuously consumes excessive liquor for years, you will lose the ability to regenerate.

Other risk factors from

Liver cancer is also triggered by several other factors as well:

  • Autoimmune hepatitis

A genetic condition which is rare this occurs when the immune system or the natural resilience of the body that normally fight infection thus attacking the cells of a healthy liver. People with autoimmune hepatitis risk against liver cancer sufferers are much smaller than cirrhosis or other liver disorders.

  • Primary biliary cirrhosis

Primary biliary cirrhosis basic cause is still not known with any certainty. This disease attacks the bile duct, i.e. a pipeline that serves to drain the bile into the digestive system. Damage to the bile duct cause bile buildup later in the heart. This buildup of damaging those organs and lead to cirrhosis. About 5% of people with advanced stages of biliary cirrhosis is expected to suffer from liver cancer in the future.

  • Hemokromatosis

About ten percent of people with cirrhosis due to hemokromatosis suffering from liver cancer. Hemokromatosis is a genetic condition when body storing too much iron is absorbed from food. Iron eventually reached the levels builds up poison and damage the liver organ.

Diagnosis Of Liver Cancer

People who are more at risk of severe liver cancer need to undergo the examination at regular intervals. Tell them the symptoms you are feeling and when you start to feel it on the doctors. If it is reasonably requires further examination, the doctor will refer you to a specialist.

A number of supporting examination may be necessary, one being to ascertain whether the right there are cancer cells in the liver organ as well as whether the cancer cells came from the other organs of the body (secondary liver cancer) or primary liver cancer. In addition inspection is carried out to find out how big lumps of cancer in the liver and how large the area its spread. It is necessary to know how many patients were in the stadium. Thus the doctor will get an overview about the condition and function of the organ of the heart, its influence on the health of the patient, as well as to decide the proper handling.

Generally, you will undergo the following examinations:

Monitoring for the detection of liver cancer intensively

If you belong to a high-risk group of people that suffered from cancer of the liver such cirrhosis sufferers, it is recommended to perform periodical checks every six months.

The examination usually through two stages, namely, blood tests and ultrasound (ultrasound). The blood test used to detect the presence or absence of a protein in the blood called Alpha fitoprotein (AFP). More than half of primary liver cancer patients produce this protein in their blood. In addition, ultrasonography or ultrasound is performed to find out which organ abnormalities in the liver.

Supporting Further Examination

In addition to the ultrasound and detection of AFP through a blood test, the doctor can use a variety of other supporting examination for the diagnosis of liver cancer, namely:

  1. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). Display your liver organ retrieval using magnetic fields and radio waves.
  2. CT scan. Your inner organs will be photographed by x-rays.
  3. Biopsy. Your liver tissue sample to be taken with a needle. This example will then be tested in the laboratory to detect cancerous cells.
  4. Laparoscopy. Run by making a small scratch on the belly so that a flexible camera called an endoscope can be inserted to check your heart. The test run with the total for anesthesia.

However, you may not need to use all kinds of tests to make sure the diagnosis.

Developmental stages of liver cancer

The ranking system Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) divide the five developmental stages of liver cancer as follows:
Stadium o: patient still in healthy condition and his heart is functioning properly, but the tumor is less than 2 cm in diameter.
Stage a: patients in a healthy condition and his heart is functioning normally. But it has grown a tumor diameter is less than 5 cm, or three or more tumor with a diameter less than 3 cm.
Stadium B: there are several tumors in the liver, but not affect the function of the heart.
Stage c: the cancer has started to spread into the blood vessels, into the surrounding lymph node or other parts of the body. The people with not-so-healthy heart function and does not work so well.
Stage d: symptoms start showing people with end-stage liver disease, such as a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Hearts have lost most of the capabilities of its current status.

Treatment Of Liver Cancer

People with liver cancer will be handled with the kind of treatment that is in accordance with the respective stage of cancer. There are three main ways that can be done to deal with the cancer of the liver:

  • Resection (operating): taking part of an organ of the liver affected by cancer.
  • A liver transplant operation to replace the organ with a new heart.
  • Radiofrequency ablation/of (adoption with radio frequency): uses heat to kill cancerous cells.

Patients can be recovered if the moment was diagnosed with cancer, a cancer he suffered was at stadium a. However the total healing cannot be done if the cancer is detected at stage B or c. Whereas at the stadium only care D, will focus on relieve the pain and discomfort.

The appointment of liver cancer through surgery (surgery)

Surgical resection is performed by lifting the cancerous cells through surgery. In general it takes 3-4 months to recover Your organs after operations. But you've been allowed to leave the hospital within 6-12 days after surgery.

However, like all medical procedures, surgical resection is also has risks. In most patients, liver resection surgery complications such as infection, bleeding, and venous thrombosis. Estimated from 30 people who undergo liver resection surgery, there were 7 people who died after or while operating. This is because the liver resection can sometimes cause deadly complications such as heart attacks.

The donor liver transplantation

Transplants can be done using organs from people who have died as well as donors who are still alive. Each way has advantages and disadvantages.

Transplantation of the person who died will face conditions as follows:

  • It can take quite a long time to wait for a suitable donor.
  • The results were better than any of the charities that are still alive.

While transplants from living donors will be faced on the following conditions:

  • No need to wait for too long.
  • The rate of complications of the procedure.
  • The results tend to be not as good as if you use the heart of someone who has died.

In addition, a liver transplant is done just right for certain cases. This procedure is usually appropriate if the tumor diameter is less than 5 cm. And will not be useful if you have multiple tumors or a tumor more than 5 cm in diameter. A liver transplant may be recommended for people with three or more tumors with a diameter less than 3 cm. This procedure is also recommended in people with tumors that are not very responsive to treatment to show no signs of tumor development until six months later.

Killing cancer cells with Radio frequency

Of or Radiofrequency Ablation kills cancer cells and tumor size menyusutkan with the warming process using a flow of electricity.

Ablation/appointment with radio frequency can be recommended as alternative measures other than operations to handle cases with one or more tumors of less than 5 cm in diameter.

After undergoing the procedure, you may feel uncomfortable and experience symptoms resembling the flu, like chills or muscle pain for a few days. Although rare, possible complications are bleeding, infection, minor burns, or damage around the organs.

Chemotherapy Treatment

The type of chemotherapy is recommended for dealing with liver cancer stages B and C are called kemoembolisasi (transcatheter arterial chemoembolization TACE/). This treatment does not cure, but rather just relieve pain and extend life expectancy. But this procedure is not recommended to treat liver cancer Stage D because it can aggravate the condition.

Kemoembolisasi can be executed when the person with are waiting for organs to transplant hearts. This procedure helps prevent the spread of cancer to the liver around the time the sufferer awaits liver graft. Kemoembolisasi traveled with a combination of two techniques:

Help slow tumor growth by injecting gel or small plastic granules into the blood vessels that are draining the tumor

Chemotherapy drugs are injected directly into your heart. This process prevent patients from side effects that are often associated with the ' traditional ' chemotherapy such as hair loss and fatigue.

About a month after undergoing kemoembolisasi, the response of the body against him will be evaluated with CT scans.

About 30% of patients undergoing kemoembolisasi experienced a side effect known as post-kemoembolisasi syndrome with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, fever, and loss of appetite. These side effects may disappear 1-2 weeks thereafter.

In addition, there are also some more kemoembolisasi complications are rare:

  • Inflammation of the liver.
  • Worsening of liver function. Usually is temporary.
  • Swelling of the abdomen due to fluid buildup.
  • Damage to the ducts or gallbladder.

Alcohol injection selections

A shot of alcohol aimed at making cancer cells is dehydrated and stop the flow of blood to tumors. These treatments can only be done if you just have a few small tumors.


Sorafenib is a tablet used to treat liver cancer in certain cases. Not all cases of liver cancer can be treated with sorafenib. In the case of advanced stages of liver cancer, the use of sorafenib may not be advisable because the benefits are limited. The medical team will check if the drug is likely to bring benefits or harm, and right or not if it is used to you.

Freezing The Cancer Cells (Cryoablation)

The process of cell destruction can also be done by using a tube containing liquid nitrogen that will freeze the cancerous tissue first before destroyed. This procedure is done with the help of images generated by the ultrasound as a guide when the monitor and destroy cancer cells. Tools used for this procedure is the cryoprobe.

Prevention Of Liver Cancer

The growth of liver cancer can be prevented. The main key is to a healthy lifestyle and the discipline in maintaining health. Preventive measures of liver cancer include:

  • Avoid yourself from factors of liver cancer risk factors such as hepatitis C and hepatitis B.
  • Healthy eating patterns.
  • Avoid yourself from obesity with regular exercise.
  • Limit the consumption of liquor.
  • Do health checks on a regular basis especially early detection or screening of liver cancer. Especially in people with hepatitis B or C, cirrhosis of the liver, primary biliary cirrhosis, and people who have a history of cancer of the liver or other liver disease in the family.

Hepatitis B vaccine

You can avoid the risk of hepatitis B vaccine. In Indonesia, the hepatitis B vaccine has become a part of compulsory immunisation is taken when the baby is born and at the age of two, four, and six months. Nevertheless, adults at any age should receive this vaccine.

Hepatitis B vaccine is also recommended for high-risk groups of people as follows:

  • People with chronic kidney failure and chronic liver disease.
  • People who frequently change sexual partners.
  • Medical officials and patients users of injection drugs.
  • Immediate family of the person with chronic hepatitis B.
  • People who received blood donation at regular intervals
  • Inmates and correctional officers.

Reduce the risk of transmission of hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus is usually contracted through the blood of an infected person to another. This causes hepatitis C generally occur among narcotics users, especially those who share drug usage tools like needle in vain. Here are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of:

  • Avoid using personal items together. Avoid the exchange of blood-contaminated objects others like earrings, Shaver or toothbrush.
  • Contraceptives are advised to use condoms during sex, since hepatitis C can also be transmitted through body fluids such as semen.

It would be better if you would berwaspada by assuming that anyone might have been infected with hepatitis c. hepatitis C sufferers own Many did not realize that he contracted the disease, so they don't keep yourself. This can be caused because of hepatitis C can appear without the accompaniment symptom means in years.

Limit or avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages

If you are consuming the liquor, we recommend that you do not exceed the limits of consumption per day. Alcohol consumption was 3-4 units a day for men and 2-3 units a day for women. One unit of alcohol is equivalent to approximately 284 ml light beer with the normal-strong, half a glass of wine (87.5 ml), or 25 ml of beverages containing ethanol is produced from the fermentation of high (spirit). Even so, the decision to stop consuming liquor is the recommended measures are most effective in reducing the risk of the development of liver cancer.

How To Care For The Breast To Stay Healthy And Toned

Have healthy breasts and toned is yearning for a woman. However unwittingly, as you get older, the elasticity of the breast has decreased. This causes the breasts to become slack. Therefore, it is important to know how to take care of the breast to stay healthy and toned.

Sagging breasts, or in medical terms known breast ptosis, is part of the changes the appearance of the breast experienced by women as you get older. Although the age factor is the most common cause of this condition, there are some other factors that can also cause breasts to become slack, such as:

  • Collagen deficiency
  • A lack of the hormone estrogen
  • The gravitational influence of the Earth
  • Weight and height are not appropriate
  • A large telalu breast size
  • Smoking habit

How To Care For The Breast To Stay Healthy And Toned

Most women think that breastfeeding is another cause breasts to become slack, because breastfeeding can be relaxes the tissues in the breast. However, there has been no research to justify the assumption. In spite of all the causes that have been mentioned above, there are several ways that you can do in order to avoid sagging breasts.

Breast caring tips to stay healthy and Toned

In fact, caring for healthy and toned so that the breasts can be done in a simple way. Here are some ways that you can do:

  • Choose the right bra

Make sure you choose the right bra when you want to perform a particular activity. For example, if you are going to work out suggested using a special bra to berolaraga. Sport bra with adequate buffer can reduce breast movement. According to the study, breast movement while exercising can cause breast sagging and stretchable.

  • Maintain ideal body weight

In order to make the breasts look firmer, you still advisable always keep my weight so that remains stable. Because, the weight up and down too fast can affect the elasticity of the skin around the chest. This makes the breast so it doesn't look toned. However, to reduce weight, it is recommended wherever possible avoid diet patterns that are too extreme.

  • Regular exercise

Although the breasts have no muscles, but the muscles around the breast, such as the chest, shoulders, and back can be trained to stay toned. By tightening the muscles of the chest, shoulders, back, then your upper body can become stronger to support the breasts. Your breasts can look more toned. Chest exercises you can try to strengthen the muscles around the breast.

  • Stop smoking

Smoking not only affects the flow of blood and oxygen to the skin, but can also damage collagen and elastin, thereby causing early wrinkles and skin, including for vaginal laxity on the part of the breast. If you include an active smoker, start thinking to quit smoking for the sake of the health and beauty of your breasts.

  • Good nutritious food consumption

To maintain the shape of the breast so that staying healthy and toned, expand consumption and food, such as vegetables and fruits, fish, and beans. Eating vegetables and fruits contain antioxidants can keep skin stay elastic and reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the area of the body.

  • Position the bed

Sleep habits can also cause breast forms become slack. Too often sleep with sloping positions make the breast shape becomes unbalanced. In addition, the tilted bed also serves on the onset of wrinkles in the face. Therefore, sleeping with a position on your back it is advisable to maintain a healthy breast shape and toned.

  • The use of the hormone estrogen

A decrease in the hormone estrogen during menopause can be associated with the shrinking of the collagen in the skin tissue, and this may affect the appearance of the breast. Discover how to increase estrogen levels, such as Phytoestrogens or taking any supplements, can improve the shape of your breasts. Consult a doctor if you did want to raise estrogen levels to maintain breast firmness.
Many factors can cause the breast to become slack, one of which was the increase of the age. To slow the effects of aging process on the breast and keep your breasts remain taut, terapkanlah healthy lifestyle, by feeding nutritious vegetables, smoking cessation, and regular exercise. Immediately investigate to the doctor if you feel any abnormalities or complaints on the breast.

Don't Forget To Take Care Of The Breasts When Breastfeeding

Take care when giving breast MILK to make breastfeeding activities can be done comfortably and without pain. Know how to take care of the breast so that you avoid the various complaints that may arise when breastfeeding.

Breast milk (BREAST MILK) is highly recommended to be given to the child. ASI (ASI) provides the ideal nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, fat, and sugar, even the immune system-forming antibodies to bolster health and flower growing babies. ASI also proved to be effective to prevent the baby sick. In addition, breastfeeding also give benefits to the mother, such as helping lose weight, reduce uterine bleeding after childbirth, reducing the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, as well as lowering the risk of diabetes and osteoporosis.
Don't Forget To Take Care Of The Breasts When Breastfeeding

But sometimes when breastfeeding, there are just problems that appear and occur on the breast and nipple. For example the nipple pain, nipples dry and chapped, nipples, breasts entry into the swollen, clogged milk ducts, or breast infection (mastitis). But by taking care of the breasts, the various issues can be addressed and prevented

The Care Of The Breasts When Breastfeeding

In order for you and your little one can enjoy lactation, nursing your breasts with steps such as the following:

  • Learn how to position the little one and her mouth properly when breastfeeding. Make sure the mouth of the little covers most of the areola (the dark area around the nipple), don't just nipples. If the position of the mouth of the little one, you will feel comfortable and not sore. The position of the mouth also help prevent nipple ached and launch the process of breastfeeding.
  • Try different breastfeeding positions. There are several nursing positions that you can try. Find the best position for you and your little one. Ask your doctor or midwife suggestions about how holding and feeding the baby properly.
  • Barring the little one so as not to bite the nipple. At age 3-4 months, baby teeth may be starting to grow. To prevent nipple not bitten, stop suction BREAST MILK after the little finished breastfeeding or when asleep. To stop the suction BREAST MILK, tuck your fingers to the side of the mouth of the little one.
  • Feeding the little one on a regular basis, every 2-3 hours. You may need to wake the little one in the evening to give him breast milk. The baby should suckle from both breasts just as much during the day. If at 8 the little suckle from right breast, then offer the breast at 10 left.
  • To launch a stream of BREAST MILK, the mother can try giving a massage of the breast or a warm compress on the breast to open the BREAST gland ducts. For breast pain, give warm and cold compresses in turn to reduce the pain.

The Care Of The Breasts After Breastfeeding

In addition to doing treatment while breastfeeding, you can continue breastfeeding after treatment with a few simple steps you can do when the little one was sleeping, among others:

  • Clean your nipple gently without using SOAP or shampoo to clean. Do not apply alcohol, lotions, or perfumes on the nipples. Use antibacterial ointment to tackle chapped nipples.
  • Let the nipples dry by itself without needing dilap.
  • Apply a moisturizing ointment containing lanolin on the nipple every time done breastfeeding. This will reduce pain and prevent nipple dries up and chapped.
  • Check replace bearing breast (breast pad).
  • If breast pain when nursing, stops feeding directly and use pump BREAST MILK for a few days.
  • If you feel Your nipples are flat or get into, check with your doctor immediately.
  • Each completed nursing, apply a few drops of BREAST MILK on Your nipples and leave to dry. ASI damming and protect the nipple from the infection.
  • Always hold the breast with a clean hand.

Immediately consult a doctor if breast or nipples appear signs of infection, such as fever, sore or red bumps appear on a breast that feels pain, breast swelling, and overall the nipples of the breasts festering or bleed.

Some Causes Of Bumps On The Head

The incidence of lumps on the body, such as a bump on the head often trigger concerns. Bump on the head is one of the locations that need attention. What are the possible causes?

There are various causes for the appearance of a bump on the head. Generally it's not dangerous, but could be a harbinger of more serious problems. In order to get the proper handling, let know a wide variety of causes of bumps on the head that may occur.
Some Causes Of Bumps On The Head

Here are some causes of bumps on the head:

  • Head injury

Head injury usually occurs due to the collision of hard objects on the head. Generally when someone banged and experiencing head injury, bumps will appear as a natural response of the body, due to the blood seeping from the broken capillaries under the skin. If the injury experienced by lightweight, lump in the head will usually disappear after a few days.

However, in some cases injuries, need to get some serious attention. Let alone post crunch occurs, the person experiencing fainting or lost consciousness, clear liquid discharge from the nose or ears, suffered a hemorrhage in one or both ears, a continuous headache, and vomiting. Immediately visit a doctor because of severe head injury may cause the occurrence of concussions.

  • Tumors in the head

A lump on the head can also be caused due to the tumor. Tumors that grow on the head can be benign or develop into cancer. This type of tumor can cause the appearance of lumps on the head one is pilomatrixoma.

In addition to appearing on the head, may also appear on the face and neck. The bumps usually appear on tumor pilomatrixoma generally do not cause pain.  It's just, needs to be done because the surgical removal of a lump on the head of this type can not disappear by itself. Although rare, tumors pilomatrixoma could turn into cancer.

  • Cancer

Cancer in head neck cancer is closely associated with. This is due to the presence of malignant tumor that develops around the tissues organs of the head and neck. A type of cancer is closely associated with cancers of the head and neck in between cancer of the mouth, nose, sinuses, salivary glands, throat, nose, and sinuses.

Someone who suffered neck and head cancer will usually feel rise of lump or sore that never healed around the neck and head, a sore throat that never goes away, it's hard to swallow, and a hoarse voice.  To diagnose this disease, he had to do physical examinations and tests such as a biopsy to find out the cancer that may be suffered. Some actions that can be performed, including surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

  • Cyst

A cyst is a closed SAC under the skin or in the body. Cysts can be found on the scalp are Sebaceous cysts and dermoid cyst. The contents of a dermoid cyst can be a collection of skin glands, hair, even teeth. Sebaceous cysts are arising from the skin oil glands are clogged.

  • Lipoma

Looks like a Lipoma lump is soft, can grow in various parts of the body, including in the head. Lipoma tumor that does not include dangerous and growing slowly. There is a possibility of a pain if the lipoma pressing nerves. This fatty tissue tumors can be single or composed of several bumps, usually no more than 5 cm.

  • Folliculitis

This condition occurs due to inflammation of the follicle or root hairs that can cause the onset of bumps-small bumps on the scalp. In addition, it can also occur around the face. This condition can be caused by infection of the hair follicles or irritating chemicals. More likely to be experienced by sufferers of diabetes, obesity, or who are experiencing interference immunity system.

Lumps that need to look out for

A variety of conditions can indeed cause a bump on the head. However, immediately consult a doctor if the lump that appears:

  • Unknown cause.
  • Failed to disappear after 2 weeks.
  • Its size progressively enlarged.
  • Feels sore and red.
  • Feels hard when pressed.
  • Back to grow after lifted or removed.
  • Bloody
  • Turned into an open wound.

The doctor will perform a physical examination and an ULTRASOUND examination, such as support, CT scan, or a biopsy to make sure the cause.

Treatment to overcome the bumps on the head should be tailored to the cause. Therefore, it is important to know the causes of bumps on the head with a saw a doctor, in order to do a proper handling.

Headache Right Up To The Neck, This Cause

Everyone certainly never experienced headaches. However, have you ever had a headache the right that extends to the neck? This condition can be caused by many different things and can also be a sign of serious health problems.
Headache Right Up To The Neck, This Cause

A headache is pain that can occur on any part of the head. This is a very common complaint. Headaches can last only less than an hour, or it could be for a few days, and can appear suddenly or slowly. The pain that arises in most areas of the head, felt very heavy, and appeared suddenly can indicate certain conditions to look out for.

Causes of Headaches Right up to the Neck

Some medical conditions that can cause a headache right up to the neck, among them:

  • Headache of tense

Tense headaches (tension headache) is a type of headache that are common and often seen as a headache. The sufferer will usually feel a headache on one or both sides of the head, the neck muscles stiffen, and pressure behind the eye. Headaches can last for a few tense minutes, hour, up to a few days. Common symptoms that arise due to the headache of tense that is mild to moderate pain on one side of the head, the difficulty to rest, fatigue, and difficulty to focus.

  • Chronic migraine

This type of migraine is commonly occurs in people with a history of recurring migraines. Chronic migraine headache symptom is characterized by a head on one or both sides of the head, the sensation of throbbing pain, pain intensity is being severely. Most migraine sufferers experience early symptoms such as nausea or feeling dazzled, that preceded the emergence of the next head pain on migraines. This condition is called an aura. Chronic migraine is one of the causes of headaches next to the spread to the neck.

  • Cluster headache

Cluster headache may occur repeatedly in a given period of time or follow a specific pattern. Cluster headache is more common in men, and usually appear in the young adult age. This condition is characterized by pain around the eye that extends to the neck, head, shoulders, or face. Other symptoms are redness in one eye accompanied by watery eyes on the side that suffered a head pain.
Inflammation of the membranes of the brain (meningitis)
Other diseases that may cause a headache to the neck is meningitis (inflammation of the brain membrane). Meningitis is an infection of the meninges (the protective membrane) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The cause of these infections could be due to viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Meningitis has the typical symptoms, such as severe headaches, high fever that comes up unexpectedly, limp, decreased consciousness, as well as the neck feels stiff. Meningitis due to bacterial and fungal infections are a serious condition that needs to be immediately got the handling by the doctor at the hospital.

  • Head injury

Head injury can also be one of the triggers of headaches to the side of the neck. Head injury can be caused by a blow or jolt to the head or body. In addition, severe head injury could be about the parts of the brain if it is caused by objects that can penetrate the skull, such as bullets or Fragments of the skull. Physical symptoms arising due to brain injury, including loss of consciousness for a few minutes, the headache, nausea and vomiting, as well as loss of coordination of body movements. While the cognitive or mental symptoms arising out of these conditions are difficult to remember or concentrate, mood swings, and often feel anxious and depressed.

  • Brain tumor

Headache right up to the neck can also be caused by a brain tumor. A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in or around the brain. There are various types of brain tumors that can be distinguished into two groups based on its development, namely, benign tumors (not cancerous) and malignant tumors (cancerous). Tumor symptoms vary greatly between one another, is usually influenced by size, type, and location of tumor growth.

  • Humicrania Continua

This headache rarely occur. This condition is characterized by headache on one side of the head, which takes place on an ongoing basis. Humicrania continua is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as red eyes on the side that feels pain, nasal congestion, and the descent of the eyelids. In some cases, the symptoms humicrania continua began to emerge when the sufferer has already felt the pressure around the neck.

How to overcome Headaches Right up to the Neck

Sometimes headaches right who appears unexpectedly difficult to preventable, especially if it is not known for sure what the cause is. But you still can do the following things to relieve the symptoms of a headache next to, among others:

How to overcome Headaches Right up to the Neck

Sometimes headaches right who appears unexpectedly difficult to preventable, especially if it is not known for sure what the cause is. But you still can do the following things to relieve the symptoms of a headache next to, among others:

Manage stress

Do the things that help you stay relaxed, such as massage or meditation to reduce stress.

Enough sleep

Take the time to sleep, which is about 7-8, so that your body is more ready to undergo activity throughout the day.

Expand the drinking water

Make sure your body is getting enough fluids in order to avoid dehydration. Dehydration usually becomes one of the triggers of headaches.

Limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeine

It is recommended you start limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages and caffeine, because both of these substances can trigger the onset of headache.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can reduce stress causes headaches and make the body become more fit. You should exercise at least three times a week, with time duration exercise about 30 minutes.

Eat regularly

Avoid skipping meals, because it can trigger the emergence of headaches. Attach fruit and vegetable that is rich in the nutrients in Your food menu.
If the above tips don't can prevent and relieve pain that radiates to the right of the head to the neck, immediately check with your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Headache that is accompanied by a decrease in consciousness, fever, convulsions, weakness of the limbs of the body, or headache appearing after doing certain activities, such as sex, coughing or sneezing, is the kind of headache that need immediate gets the checks and further handling of the doctor.